Genmitsu L8 Laser Machine Firmware update Guide

Genmitsu L8 Laser Machine  Firmware update Guide

1. Power on the machine and ensure it remains powered throughout the process.
2. Install the Laser Tool software. 

Mac OS Download

WINDOWS  Download

3. Open the software 
4.Click Download Tool
5.Click ... icon for uploading firmware file

6.Select the appropriate firmware version.
  • L8_Firmware(C18-240517).bin(Latest) Download
  • L8_Firmware(C19-240103).bin(Latest) Download
  • L8_Firmware_without_Tilt protection.bin Download
  • L8_Firmware(C17-231214).bin Download

7.Check the parameter settings (COM port depends on your computer) and click Start for uploading.

8. Upon completion of the firmware update, kindly reboot the machine.

Should you encounter any challenges during this process, please do not hesitate to inform us.


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