Genmitsu MX3 Z-Probe Setup & Operation

Mach3 Software Setup

  1. With Mach3 open, click the Operator tab and from the drop down menu you will want to select Edit Button Script.
  1. Buttons that you are able to edit will, at this point, start flashing, and you will want to select the Auto Tool Zero button shown below:
  1. A blank script editor pate will appear. Copy and paste the contents below into the script editor, but Do Not Save & Close until going through the next step.

'Rem Probe Down by PEU (Based on Erniebro Work)

FeedCurrent = GetOemDRO(818) 'Get the current settings

ZCurrent = GetDro(2)

Code "G4 P1" 'Pause 1 second to give time to position probe plate

Code "F100" 'slow feed rate to 10 MM/MIN

GageH = GetOEMDRO (1002)

Rem Probe Down by PEU (Based On Erniebro Work)

FeedCurrent = GetOemDRO(818) 'Get the current settings

ZCurrent = GetOemDro(802)

Code "G4 P1" 'Pause 1 second to give time to position probe plate

Code "F100" 'slow feed rate to 10 MM/MIN

GageH =19.7 'Tool tool height requires actual measurement

ZNew = ZCurrent - 30 'probe down 30mm

Code "G31 Z" &ZNew

While IsMoving()


Call SetDro (2,GageH)

FinalMove = GageH * 1

Code "G0 Z" &FinalMove

Code "G0 Z" &25 'This number is greater than the height of the tool setting tool

Code "F" &FeedCurrent 'restore starting

Please Note: While the text in this guide is at 1.5 spacing, but it should copy & paste into the script editor without formatting.
  1. Edit the two lines shown below, based on the below instructions. Once you have done so, save and exit the script editor.
  1. Connect the Z-Probe Tool as shown below:


  1. Attach the Alligator Clip connected to the white wire, and firmly attach it to the bit/end mill that you are planning to engrave with.
  2. Plave your stock material on your CNC bed. Once secured and in place. put the circular probe base with the metal side up on top of your stop material.
  3. Using Mach 3, jog your CNC so the spindle is over your stock material and probe base.
  4. Click the Auto Zero Tool button.
Please note that if your stock material is too thick to use the Z probe, you will need to instead need to zero the tool off the bed, and then adjust the Z-Zero upward by the thickness of the stock material.

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